Tuesday 11 October 2011

Focus Group

This is our focus group, we chose to have a focus group as we could then see what our target audience enjoys in a music video and what they think makes a music video successful. From our focus research we found out that people from the same age liked different types of pop music. This meant that when we are ready to create our own video our decisions will not be limited. 

We asked a different variation of questions which allowed us to explore into the genre and develop our understanding more and what other individuals feel about the genre we have chosen to use for our music video.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Audience Theory

Over view of the genre

After looking at different videos we noticed that there were some obvious similarities between the videos. I found that the 3 different videos that I analyzed all had a twisted love story which starts to blossom at the end of the video. As well as researching pop rock videos, I also decided to look at the genre 'indie' this allowed me to compare the different genres and to understand the differences between two very different genres. Aswell as finding a twisted story, I also found that in the pop/rock videos there are more than just one story which centres throughout the video, and there is more performance than narrative as in the videos the lyrics explain the action on screen.

Location Shoots

After researching into the different music videos we had a much clearer idea of what typical pop rock conventions were used throughout the videos. For our first location shoots we decided to stay local and walk around the school. From this we were trying to imagine what it would each location would look like in our video. The main goal for this photo shoot was imagining the beginning of the music video.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Asking Permission to use the song

In order to use 'When you're gone' in our music video we had to ask permission by the record label. Therefore my group sent an email to them, explaining why we needed to use it and that it was just for eductional purposes.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Logo

After looking at different logos from different music companies my group thought it would be appropriate to create one of our own. After noting down a few ideas and asking different individuals about the name we finally created the name 'Anthem Beatz Records. We thought this was a very appropriate name for our logo as we wanted to create something exciting and new. We thought about how we could make this logo unique and original and chose a variation of different vibrant colours for our logo to stand out.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Avril Lavigne 'When your gone'- different shot types

This video shows different shot types which have been used in the original music video. I have looked at certain ones which are repeated a few times in the musiv video and how they have been used to help make the storyline look effective. 

Research Into Our Chosen Genre

After carefully researching into different genres, rock/pop/alternative/acoustic/indie we decided that the best genre for us would be pop/rock. Pop is usually aimed at a younger market audience which consist of simple songs, this is a very popular genre. 

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Genre Research

Before choosing one genre I looked into 3 different genres. I briefly looked at the genre, pop, before making comparisons with indie and rock. The typical pop music video is usually telling a story between two individuals, and where their friendship starts to blossom at the end, and where the story comes to it's climax. A typical artist for this video is 'Taylor Swift' a typical teenager, experiencing every day to day life experiences. The song 'you belong with me', is an example of this, where different variations of shots are used to show emotions, feelings of the two characters.

Monday 12 September 2011

Choosing a genre

To start of our new project, our first job was to choose a genre. For this, we decided that the best way to do this was to look at 3 or 4 different styles of genre, and seeing which ones we preffered. The following we chose to do were- rock/pop/indie/alternative.

The Planning stage

My group, who consists of me, Gabby and Aletta have decided to create a plan helping us for guidance and support throughout the project. We decided that this would be the best idea because we had so many different ideas, we wanted to remember them all, so we quickly wrote this on a peice of paper, which we could later expand on. Even though the plan itself is only the first part of the research, this already gives us an indication to how much time we should spend on each task, helping us divide up different parts of the research, for us to work independently on. The sketch below shows a rough idea of what stages we should go through to make our project succesful.

Monday 4 July 2011

To be succesful this year:

In order to achieve a good grade this year, I will need to include a lot of different tasks which contribute towards the final piece of my coursework. From looking at different blogs, I have realized that I will need to do a lot more research into target audiences this year. I will need to research more into the genre, location shoots, costumes, different types of audience theory, look at different types of short films, teaser trailers or music video in order to gain a variety of information. I will also need to include a lot more anaylsis in my work, and able to explain why the peice meets conventions or why this has been put into place.

Before even begging the peice, they made use of their time and experimented with different camera angles and shots and what could be included in their own video to make it more succesful and gain the best outcome. Instead of stick to just one lot of research, they then went on to do further research allowing more information to be gained and knowing more about their specific audience. Some groups have even created facebook groups in order to gain information more quickly and effectively.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Initial Ideas for music video

I do not know specifically what song I would choose for a music video as of yet, but I would like to centre my music video around a well known pop star, as I am then able to follow the conventions more, and able to identify what I need to do in order to meet the typical conventions of a pop star.

For example, picking a popular pop star such as justin bieber. Through his popular song 'baby'- 2 individuals would be the key icon in this video, showing different stages of how person 1 likes person 2 and see their friendship blossom and grow throughout the video where the finale is reached at the end where their friendship is unravelled to the audience to see just how much their friendship has progressed.

Short Film- A genre which I have in mind is horror. This could be based in a large house, where mysterious things happen, centring different individuals, however I am not sure if I would use narrative in the film, as I wouldn't want to drag it out.

Monday 27 June 2011

Review Of Skills

Throughout the course of my AS project I have achieved many skills which I believe will help me through this year. Choosing the print option meant I was doing something which I had not been with familar with and needed to build upon many skills in order to achieve a sucessful outcome. This task meant I had to work independently and manage my time management on an individual basis.

This task meant I had to use a program which I had never really been used before. I learnt from the task how to create a document on photoshop to a certain extent, understanding basic content for the task in order to achieve a succesful outcome. I had to make sure that I did not fall behind time, and mastered how to use this program in just a couple of months, this means there is much more room for improvement. I learnt how to use a camera for the magazine, using different programs in order to achieve the final outcome.